My story begins with my journeys.

I have always liked to travel, and this is where I find my stories, my moments, that I capture with my camera. I like to follow the smaller roads. I like to find the small, hidden villages where I am the only one to walk up and down the roads.

I am a 24 year old girl, who started to take pictures around the age of 15.

It was then that I got my first digital camera off my mum and dad, just about when the first digital cameras came to Norway.

Since that day, I have taken photographs for my own pleasure, just for myself, each time I have travelled. I have felt a joy go through me, every time I have captured what was only mine; something no one else can capture the same way I do.

But I have no photographic education or prizes to show for within photography. It has always been me and my camera. It is only recently that I have had the courage to show my pictures to anyone.

That is also the reason why I am very nervous and humble. I am just little me, whose found my “magicwond”. But this is what I want. I want to share all of my small stories with you!

I really hope you like my pictures.

Kind regards

Lene Marie